Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Twenty-Seventh Day

Daily Reading
John 3:14-17

In the morning

O God, our Father, help us all through this day to obey Thy law, and to do unto others all that we would wish them to do unto us. Grant unto us to help others, as we would wish them to help us, when we are in difficulty or in distress. Help us to forgive others as we would wish them to forgive us, when we make mistakes. Help us to make the same allowances for others as we would wish them to make for us. Help us to have the same sympathy for others as we would wish them to have for us, when we are sad. Help us to have the same respect and tolerance for the views and for the beliefs of others as we would wish them to have for ours. Help us to try to understand others as we would wish to be understood. Help us so to try to understand others as we would wish to be understood. Help us so to enter into others that we may see things with their eyes,and think things with their minds and feel things with their hearts; and so grant that we may be as kind to others as we would wish them to be to us: through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN

In the evening

O God, our Father, bless those for whom life is unhappy. Bless those who are underpaid and over worked, those who are never have enough, and who are always tired. Bless those who are always taken for granted, and who are never thanked and praised, and appreciated, as they ought to be. Bless those who have been hurt by life, those who have been wounded by the malice of their enemies or by the faithlessness of their friends. Bless those who have been disappointed in something on which they had set their hearts. Bless those for whom life is lonely and empty, because some one they has been taken away. Bless those whom illness or weakness has handicapped or laid aside. Bless those who are worried about those they love. Thou knowest the needs of each one of us, and Thou knowest the secrets of our inmost hearts. Help us this night to cast all our burdens upon Thee, certain that Thou carest for us, and sure that Thou wilt help. This we ask for Thy love's sake. AMEN

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