Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Twentieth Day

Daily Reading
Psalm 116:1-8

In the morning

O God, our Father, who hast given unto us the rest of the night, and who dost now send us forth to the work of the day, guide us and direct us all through today. Help us to work aright, so that every task may be so well done that we can take it and show it unto Thee. Help us to speak aright, and preserve us alike from too hasty speech and from cowardly silence. Help us think aright, and so guard our minds and hearts that no evil and no bitter though may gain an entry in to them. Help us to live as befits those who have begun this day with Thee, and who go out to live every moment of it in Thy presence. Grant that today our lives may shine like lights of love and goodness in the world, that we may bring credit to the name we bear, and honour to the Master whose we are and whom we seek to serve. This we ask fro Thy love's sake. AMEN

In the evening

O God, our Father, we thank Thee for today. We thank Thee that Thou hast given us strength and health of body and of mind to do our work and to earn a living. We thank Thee for our loved ones, and for all our comrades and our friends, without whom life could never be the same. O God. Our Father, grant us Thy forgiveness for today. Forgive us if today we failed a friend, or hurt and disappointed anyone who loves us. Forgive us if today our work was badly done, no better than our second best. And now, as we go to rest, grant us the peace of those who have cast all their burdens upon Thee, and who know that their times are always in Thy hand. This we ask for Thy love's sake. AMEN

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