Sunday, April 6, 2008

Fourteenth Day

Daily Reading
Psalm 119:97-104

In the morning
O God, our Father, save us from these thoughts and feelings which only succeed in making life wretched and unhappy for ourselves and for others. Save us from foolish discontent, and help us at all times to do the best we can with the resources we have. Save us from the envy which forget to count its own blessings, because it thinks so from the jealousy which grudges others every gift and every success. Save us from vain regrets about things which cannot be altered, and give us grace to accept the situation in which we are, and there to serve Thee with our whole heart. Save us from the bitterness which poisons life for ourselves and for others. So grant that, cleansed from self and cleansed from sin, our lives may bring joy to others and contentment to ourselves, through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN

In the evening
O God, our Father, bless those who at the day's ending specially need Thy blessing. Bless those who are far from home and far form friends, and who are lonely as the shadows fall. Bless those who have made mistakes and who are sorry now. Bless those who are sad, and for whom loneliness is most lonely at evening time. Bless those who are in illness and in pain, and for whom the night is slow and long. Bless the people with whom we work every day. Bless all our friends, and keep them true to us, and us true to them. Bless our loved ones, and let nothing ever come between us and them. Bless this family, and grant that it may be true of this home that, where two or three are gathers together Thou art there in the midst of them. Bless each one of us. Thou knowest our needs better than we know them our selves. Open Thou Thine hand and satisfy them all, through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN

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