Isaiah 53:3-6
In the morning
O God, our Father, save us this day from all the sins into which we so easily and so continually fall. Save us from demanding standards from others which we never ever try to satisfy ourselves. Save us from being very easy on ourselves and very hard on others. Save us from making excuses for things in ourselves which in others we would condemn. Save us from being wide-open-eyed to the faults of others, and blind to our own. Save us from taking for granted all that our loved ones do for us, and from never realizing how much they do and how much we demand. Help us all through this day to try to do to others what we would wish them to do to us, and so help us to fulfill the law of Jesus Christ. This we ask for Thy love's sake. AMEN
In the evening
O God, our Father, this night we thank Thee for the comfort and the companionship and the love of this our home. We thank Thee for the joy of being together in a family. We thank Thee for this day's work, and for this night's rest. We ask Thee to bless those for whom there will be no rest tonight, those who must work throughout the night, those who journey through the night by sea or land or air, to bring us our food, our letters, and our newspapers for the morning, those who must be on duty all night to maintain the public services, and to ensure the safety and the security of others, doctors who must wake to usher new life into the world, to close the eyes of those for whom this life is passing away, to ease the suffer's pain, nurses and all who watch by the beside of those who are ill, those who this night wil not sleep because of the pain of their body or the distress of their mind, those in misfortune, who will lie down in hunger and in cold. Grant that in our own happiness and our own comfort, we may never forget the sorrow and the pain, the loneliness, and the need of others in the slow, dark hours. This we ask for Thy love's sake. AMEN
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