Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Nineteenth Day

Daily Reading
Mark 10:13-16

In the morning

O God, our Father, deliver us this day from all that would keep us from serving Thee and from serving our fellowmen as we ought. Deliver us from all coldness of heart, and grant that neither our hand nor our heart may ever remain shut to the appeal of someone's need. Deliver us from all weakness of will, from the indecision which cannot make up its mind, from the irresolution which cannot abide by a decision once it is made, from the inability to say no to the tempting voices which come to us from inside and from outside. Deliver us from all failure in endeavor, from being too easily discouraged, from giving up and giving in too soon, from allowing any task to defeat us, because it is difficult. Grant unto us this day the love which is generous in help, the determination which is steadfast in decision, the perseverance which is enduring unto the end, through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN

In the evening

O God, our Father, take from our minds this night the worries and anxieties which would keep us from sleeping. Help us to make up our minds bravely to deal with the things which an be dealt with and not to worry about the things about which we can do nothing. Take from our hearts this nigh the feelings which would keep us from resting, take from us all discontent, all envy and jealousy, all vain and useless longings for the things which are not for us. Take from our bodies the tension which would keep us from relaxing, and help us to lean back in the clasp of the everlasting arms. Into Thy hands we commit our loved ones, knowing that, even if they are absent from us, they are for ever present with Thee. Into Thy hands we commit ourselves that in Thy keeping, in light and in dark, in life and in death, we may safe. Hear these our prayers, through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN

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