Friday, April 4, 2008

Second Day

Daily Reading
Psalm 145:9-16

In the morning

O God our Father, bless us and keep us all through today. At our work, make us diligent, ever showing ourselves to be workmen who have no need to be ashamed. In our pleasure, help us to find delight only in such things as bring no regrets to follow. In our homes, make us kind and considerate, ever trying to make the work of others easier, and not harder. In our dealing with our fellow-men, make us courteous and kindly. In our dealing with ourselves, make us honest to face the truth. And in every moment of this day make us ever to remember that Thou, God, seest us , and that in Thee we live and move and have our being. So grant that we may do nothing which would bring shame to ourselves, grief to those who love us and sorrow to Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN

In the evening

O God, our Father, who hast bidden us to pray for all men, we remember at evening time those who specially need our prayer. Bless those who are lonely, and who feel their loneliness worst of all at evening time. Bless those who are ill, and who will not sleep this night; and those who this night will wake to ease the sufferer's pain. Bless those who have no home, and no family circle to call their own. O God , who art everywhere present, bless this our home, and help us to remember that Jesus is always our unseen guest, and so help us never in this place to do or to say anything which would make Him sad to see. Keep us this night in the dark hours, and grant us kindly sleep, and make us to feel around us and about us tthe clasp of the everlasting arms, which will never let us go, through Jesus Christ our lord. AMEN


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