Friday, April 4, 2008

Ninth Day

Daily Reading
Matthew 9:10-13

In the morning

O God, our Father, help us all through this day so to live that we may bring help to others, credit to ourselves and to the name we bear, and joy to those who love us, and to Thee.
Help us to be,
  • Cheerful when things go wrong,
  • Persevering when things are difficult,
  • Serene when thigns are irritating,

Enable us to be,

  • Helpful to those in difficulties,
  • Kind to those in need,
  • Sympathetic to those whose hearts are sore and sad.

Grant that,

  • Nothing may make us lose our temper,
  • Nothing may take away our joy,
  • Nothing may ruffle our peace,
  • Nothing may make us bitter towards any men.

So grant that all though this day all with whom we work, and wll whom we meet, may see in us the reflection of the Master, whose wa are, and whom we seek to serve. This we ask for Thy love's sake. AMEN

In the evening

Eternal, God, this night we thank Thee for Thy good hand upon us through tall this day. We thank Thee that Thou hast enable us to do our work, and to earn a living for ourselves, and for those we love. We thank Thee for the voice within us, which spoke to us when we were tempted to do wrong, and for the grace which kept us right. We thank Thee for Thy protection, which has brought us in safety to this evening hour. O God, with whom is forgiveness, forgive us, if today we have failed a friend, hurt a loved one, shamed ourselves, and grieved Thee. Forgive us if we have been slack in duty to our fellow-men, or careless in remembering Thee. And now grant unto us to sleep in peace, and to wake in strength, through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN


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