Sunday, April 6, 2008

Seventeenth Day

Daily Reading
Luke 15:3-10

In the morning

O God, our Father, help us to walk with wisdom all this day. Help us never to flirt with temptation, and never to play with fire. Help us never needlessly or thoughtlessly to put ourselves into a poison in which temptation has the opportunity to exert its power over us. Help us never to allow our eyes to linger, or our thoughts to dwell, on the forbidden things, lest their fascination be too strong for our resistance. Help us to walk every step of today looking ever unto Jesus, that His light may be our guide that His presence may be our defence, and that His love may be our strenght and inspiration. This we ask for Thy love's sake. AMEN
In the evening
O God, our Father, giver of every good and perfect gift, put into our hearts gratitude for all that Thou hast done for us today. Help us not to forget that today Thou hast kept us in our going out and our coming in, and hast brought us to this evening hour, that today Thou hast fed us and clothed us and given us life and kept us alive, that today Thou hast preserved us in body, mind and spirit, and hast surrounded us with love both human and divine. O God, our Father, who dost ever accept the offering of the humble and the contrite heart, put into our hearts penitence for all the failures, the faults, the mistakes, the sins of this day. Make us to see ourselves and our sins in the light of Thy pure countenance. So make us truly sorry for every wrong thing which has shamed ourselves and grieved Thee, and then grant us, before we sleep, Thy kiss of pardon and the peace, through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN

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