Tuesday, May 6, 2008

What you can do for Nargis Vicitims

As we all know, the Nargis Cyclone distroyed many places in Myanmar. Many people are homeless and ran out of food. Please do remember in your prayer for them. In one of the villages in Sothern Myanmar, only 4 homes left out of 400. 22,500 death and 35,000 are missing.So you can imagine how much these Nargis Victims needs your help. So if you would like to donate to those people, the information for donation to Myanmar, donation to Nargis victims in Myanmar effectively are...

Burma Student Organiziation

BSO has been urgently trying to make arrangements to help victims of Cyclone Nagis in Burma. It is not possible as yet to give an accurate account of death tolls due to communications problem.
According to YANGON (Reuters) Tuesday, May 6, 2008; 8:01 AM - Government raised its death toll on Tuesday from the devastating Cyclone Nargis to just under 22,500 people, state media reported. Many uncounting people are still missing.
Those who wish to donate money can send it to BSO account. One of the members of BSO is on his way to Burma at the moment.
We will make the most effective use of donations to relieve the sufferings of the victims.
The detailed accounts on how and where we spend the money donated will be given on BSO website in a few days time.
You can donate by using of online or offline donation methods.

Account Name : Burmese Student Organisation UK
Bank Name : HSBC
Sort Code : 40-01-13
Account No. : 41546694
Paypal email Address : cyclonedisasterappeal@bsouk.org

Here is one more information that I got from Ko Htike Blog (http://www.ko-htike.blogspot.com/) concerning of Donation for Myanmar people, Nargis cyclone Myanmar, storm Myanmar donation, Myanmar cyclone donation, donate Myanmar, Myanmar donate, donation Myanmar, Myanmar donation for People in Uk.

Bank Name : Barclays
Account Holder Name Mr A Candobhasa
A/C 90 00 28 36
S/C 20 80 71

Ph 078 77 297 205
email: ashinucandobhasa@yahoo.co.uk

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